Give India

Nishabd feels very proud to have this opportunity to spread Social Awareness through it. There are many NGOs present in India and doing fabulous job for people who struggle to live their lives. Some face problems due to their weak economic background or physical disabilities or because they are just children or girl. Nishabd feels proud for all those NGOs who work for these people all around the country. Nishabd also feels that it is responsibility of every person to help such people by any means. And, Nishabd is no exception so contributing little by promoting these websites through itself. Nishabd will continue to do same in the future also. Kindly, follow the links given below to know more about these websites or to contribute.

Give India

Give India is a not for profit organization in India. It is an online donation platform and aims to channel and provide resources to credible Non-Governmental Organizations across India. It is a web portal, raises funds and contributions from individuals across India and the world and then disburses these donations to credible Indian NGOs.

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PETA India, based in Mumbai, was launched in January 2000. It operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment, while educating policymakers and the public about animal abuse and promoting an understanding of the right of all animals to be treated with respect. PETA India focuses primarily on the areas in which the greatest numbers of animals suffer the most: in the food and leather industries, in laboratories and in the entertainment industry. PETA India’s investigative work, public education efforts, research, animal rescues, legislative work, special events, celebrity involvement and national media coverage have resulted in countless improvements to the quality of life for animals and have saved countless animals’ lives.

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